
Based on the given scenario and photos compile a relevant


  • Answer in English only.
  • The assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.

The intent of this project is to provide you with the opportunity to apply your CONSUMER BEHAVIOR skills and understanding by compiling and analysing the "real time" materials which is widely available in library databases, on-line material, printed material (business report, magazines, newspapers and etc.). To complete this assignment, you need to understand this scenario:

The socialisation of family members, ranging from young children to adults, is a central family function. Today that function includes developing children into consumers. This is why marketers frequently target parents who are looking for assistance in the process of socializing their children. Marketers know that the socialisation of young children provides an opportunity to establish a foundation on which later experiences continue to build throughout life. These experiences are reinforced and modified as children grow into adolescence and, in time, into adulthood.

The two photos below show the example on how the same children from the same parent are going through a differenct socialisation process.

Based on the above scenario and photos, compile a relevant material from various reliable sources (preferable academic journals, books, business magazines and newspapers), and prepare a report on "how materialism manifest in children and how it evolves as they grow up". Your paper should include (but not necessarily in the following order):

  • Introduction of Consumer Socialisation
  • Influencing factors in consumer socialisation
  • The effects of materialism and social class on consumer socialisation
  • Are we manipulating the children in their socialisation process?


Everywhere in the world, social class identification has been translated to the product and services that we consume. Have you ever imagined the scenario in the above photos? Do you discover another example that we can see around us. Believe it or not the social class stratification had created a "Gap" between rich and the poor.

Based on the above facts, compile a relevant material from various reliable sources (preferable academic journals, books, business magazines and newspapers), and prepare a report on "social class stratification". Your paper should include (but not necessarily in the following order):

  • Introduction of social class.
  • Bases for social class stratification
  • Scenario in your country (A study on social class in your country)
  • The effects of social stratification on consumer selection of products/services.

Assignment Format:

  • Use double space and 12-point of Times New Roman font.
  • The assignment should contain about 3000 - 5000 words (15 - 20 pages).
  • Provide references using the American Psychological Association (APA) format
  • References should be latest (year 2005 onwards)

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Marketing Research: Based on the given scenario and photos compile a relevant
Reference No:- TGS02157421

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