Essay Exam - Canterbury Tales
Read these instructions carefully. You don't get a second chance at completing this assignment.
Based on the following questions, develop a well-organized essay of at least two typed, pages for each question. Use your book for reference and supply direct quotes from the literature to support your points. No outside resources, other than your textbook, are allowed.
Use MLA for in-text citations and Works Cited references.
- From The Canterbury Tales, show how the presentation of certain figures in the "The Prologue" range from general criticism of human failings to a stronger criticism that exposes, and perhaps condemns, serious misbehavior.
- From The Canterbury Tales, "The Wife of Bath's Tale" clearly is making the point that Dame Alice wishes to make. How do you suppose Chaucer felt about Dame Alice of Bath's philosophy? Your comments should demonstrate your understanding of the story's morals and also reflect what you believe to be Chaucer's opinion of Dame Alice's point-of-view.
Please use ONLY this source for paper...
Please only reference these stories from the Canterbury Tales
General Prologue
The Miller's Prologue and Tale
The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale
The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale