
Based on the case study retention deciding to act pg 718 -

Go to BizFiling's Website and read the article titled "Identifying and Addressing Employee Turnover Issues," located at


Next, examine your current job position or a job position with which you are familiar. Then, choose three (3) significant factors that you believe have contributed to employees leaving the organization. Next, suggest three (3) methods organizations could utilize to retain their employees. Support your rationale with two (2) examples of such factors / methods.

Based on the case study Retention: Deciding to Act (Pg. 718 - Pg. 720), determine whether the major complaints presented in the case study are the true reason for Wally's Wonder Wash's high turnover rate. Then, suggest two (2) reasonable retention strategies that Wally's Wonder Wash could implement. Justify your rationale.

Note: Remember, turnover is not always about salary. Therefore, please present strategies that would not involve pay increases.

Review Table 10.3 on pages 283-284 of your textbook. Rank the best practices provided in order of importance, based on their priority within a global organization. Give a brief explanation as to why you ranked them that way.

Best Practice Suggestions for Implementation

1.Start with a needs assessment, and pay special attention to culturally unique aspects of the job. Assess the task, organization, and per- son needs for intercultural competence training. Focus specifically on culturally unique aspects of the task, organization, and person. Consider spousal and family needs for expatriate trainees.

2.Cognitive learning outcomes are necessary, but not sufficient... develop skill-based and affective outcomes too.Use experiential training to develop the cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of intercultural competence simultaneously. Use role-playing exercises to simulate the emotions and behaviors that accompany intercultural interaction.

3.Use culture-generic training, especially if trainees could potentially be interacting in multiple cultures. Focus on developing transferable com- petencies such as adaptability or social problem-solving. Provide opportunities for trainees to prac- tice these competencies across a variety of settings.

4.When using culture-specific training, match the design of training and learning outcomes to the work situation. Focus on the work-related aspects of a cul- ture such as cultural business customs. Tailor the training to reflect the cultural toughness of a given culture.

5.Use longer, more complex training for longer, more complex assignments. Match the length of the training components to the length of the transfer assignment. Avoid wasting resources on extensive training for short-term assignments.

6.Don't waste time ... individualize training to the trainee (if possible). Consider the acculturation profile of the trainee when choosing what training com- ponents to implement. Prioritize various components of the train- ing based on the acculturation profile in order to minimize effort.

7.Provide trainees with an advanced organizer... use a guiding theoretical framework. Give the trainees an advanced organizer early in the training to help guide the process. Use a clear theoretical framework to develop the advanced organizer.

8.Get the best of both worlds ... use an integrated training approach. Do not limit intercultural competence training to any one particular training approach. Choose the intercultural competence training components based on the needs of the trainees and the transfer situation.

9.Make sure learning occurs during training... provide developmental feedback on intercultural competence throughout. Provide clear, descriptive feedback that provides the trainees with explanation regarding the "why" of their performance. Provide feedback at multiple times throughout the training process.

10.Evaluation of intercultural competence training should go beyond smile sheets ... assess multiple outcomes with multiple methods. Assess changes in trainee cognitions, skills, and attitudes, not just reactions. Use multiple methods to capture as much relevant outcome information as possibly

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HR Management: Based on the case study retention deciding to act pg 718 -
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