
Based on research of the charlotte north carolina

1. Based on research of the Charlotte, North Carolina, Neighborhood Violence Reduction Project, what is the effect of the use of traffic barricades to disrupt traffic patterns related to street-level drug sales?

A) The barricades achieved the desired effect of closing drug markets.

B) The barricades had limited success.

C) The barricades had no success in disrupting drug markets, and the drug markets actually increased due to drug sellers readily adapting to the barricaded streets.

D) The barricades had no success in disrupting drug markets, but the drug markets did not increase.

2. A study by Mazerolle et al. summarizing academic studies evaluating the range of street-level drug law enforcement interventions came to what conclusion?

A) Police partnerships with a variety of community entities combined with law enforcement approaches focused on hot spots were more effective than law enforcement-only approaches focused on hot spots.

B) Police partnerships with a variety of community entities combined with law enforcement approaches focused on hot spots were no more or less effective than law enforcement-only approaches focused on hot spots.

C) Law enforcement-only approaches focused on hot spots worked best.

D) Law enforcement-only approaches focused on hot spots were ineffective.

3. The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program focuses on which of the following?

A) High school

B) Elementary school

C) Middle school and high school

D) Elementary and middle school (junior high)

4. What is the single most important factor promoting drug use?

A) Use of drugs by family members and/or friends

B) Experimenting with gateway drugs

C) Use of drugs in movies

D) Poverty.

5. In 2005, a Rand Corporation study identified several early predictors of middle school students becoming perpetrators of violence in high school. Which of the following is not one of those predictors?

A) Exhibiting early deviant behavior

B) Frequent moves between elementary schools

C) Poverty

D) Poor grades

6. Community policing partnerships with schools should also include involvement with ________.

A) social services

B) parents

C) youth probation officers

D) juvenile or family court

7. Which of the following education programs has been validated by research as having a significant effect on reducing the risks of alcohol, tobacco and drug use as well as violence?

A) Safety First reality-based approach


C) All of these choices

D) Life-Skills Training (LST)

8. In what sector are the economic costs of drug abuse the greatest?

A) Treatment programs

B) Social service programs

C) Criminal justice efforts

D) Schools

9. Which of the following is the oldest and most commonly used school/law enforcement partnership?

A) School liaison officer (SLO)

B) School resource officer (SRO)

C) Adopt-a-cop

D) Life skills resource liaison officer (LSRLO)

10. Which of the following is not one of the core components of the national drug strategy as promoted by the Office of National Drug Control Policy?

A) Treatment

B) Prevention

C) Disrupting the market

D) Limited legalization

11. Youth-Focused Community Policing is a Department of Justice initiative that establishes law enforcement-community partnerships focused on ________.

A) a combination of prevention, intervention and law enforcement

B) law enforcement

C) prevention

D) intervention

12. What have been the results of evaluation research of drug courts?

A) No effect on recidivism, but other positive outcomes.

B) Effective for reducing illicit drug usage but not alcohol consumption.

C) Juveniles referred to drug courts have demonstrated better results than adults.

D) Reduces recidivism and promotes other positive outcomes.

13. A National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported an increase in illicit drug use in which age group?

A) 18-29 year olds

B) 30-49 year olds

C) 12-17 year olds

D) 50-59 year olds

14. When youth programs concentrate on the policies and programs using a promote youth development approach, the focus of this effective strategy for delinquency prevention centers on which of the following?

A) Solving problems associated with youth delinquency.

B) Law enforcement centered approach to developmental issues

C) Youth as problem solvers rather than problems to be solved.

D) Continuous assessment to identify and remove problem youth.

15. According to the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, which category of school break-ins involves arson?

A) Malicious

B) Professional

C) Nuisance

D) School rivalry

16. The FBI has developed four categories of school shooters. Which category involves strongly implying violence?

A) Indirect threat

B) Conditional threat

C) Veiled threat

D) Direct threat

17. Which of the following is a finding of the Government Accounting Office's recent research of DARE programs?

A) DARE has a statistically significant long-standing effect on prevention in children's attitudes toward illicit drug use.

B) DARE has no statistically significant long-standing effect on prevention in children's attitudes toward illicit drug use.

C) There have been mixed findings on the effectiveness of DARE programs.

D) DARE has a moderate long-standing effect on prevention in children's attitudes toward illicit drug use.

18. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Adopt-a-Bully Program focuses on which of the following?

A) Psychiatric counseling for bullies.

B) Victim outreach.

C) Pairing a school liaison officer with a bully for monitoring and behavior modification.

D) Mediation between victims and bullies.

19. Which of the following was established by the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act?

A) All of these choices

B) National sex offender registry available on the Internet

C) Nationwide youth development programs

D) Anti-bullying programs

20. The Des Moines, Iowa Police Department developed a community involvement handbook that serves as a source of information and a guide for action. This has been referred to as the ________.

A) municipal approach

B) neighborhood approach

C) community consortium approach

D) community collaborative approach

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