
Base your definition on what you have encountered this week

Part 1- APA Format- 300 Words

Following the completion of working through the lessons materials, complete each of the following:

Write a one-two sentence personal definition of organizational management. Base your definition on what you have encountered this week, as well as on what you have already learned about the topic.

Discuss this statement by Paul Hawken: " Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them."

Finally, write about the differences between leadership and management.


What is the purpose of a forum?

Think of the forum as a classroom experience where you "meet" with your instructor and peers to discuss the weekly topic in terms of the readings, assignments and resources that have been assigned. The desired outcome is that you are able to (1) collaborate with peers and the instructor, (2) demonstrate your understanding of the material, and (3) participate as a member of an online community.

What are the responsibilities of the instructor?

The instructor's goal is to create an engaging and safe environment for students to learn. In addition, instructors should pose questions promoting deeper thought as well as encourage students to interact with their peers in the classroom. There should be an active instructor presence throughout the week.

What are the responsibilities of the student?

Each week, you are required to make a 300 word initial posting.

If you met the above-mentioned requirements, you will be graded at the proficient level. However, if your desire is to be graded at the exemplary level, please provide more than what is required. To receive 100% as a grade (the exemplary level) for the weekly forums, you should ensure that your responses meet the following criterion:

Critical Analysis - Discussion postings display an excellent understanding of the required readings and underlying concepts including correct use of terminology. Postings are made in time for others to read and respond as well as deliver information that is full of thought, insight, and analysis.

The information presented makes connection to previous or current content or to real-life situations, and must contain rich and fully developed new ideas, connections, or applications. (It is important that you integrate the weekly readings in your response. One way to do that is to make position statements, then discuss supporting evidence (i.e. research and/or personal experience).

Participation as a Member of the Learning Community - Discussion postings actively stimulate and sustain further discussion by building on peers' responses including building a focused argument around a specific issue or asking a new related question or making an oppositional statement supported by personal experience or related research. (Please plan your time wisely.

Your responses should encourage your peers to respond to your postings and build the foundation for the class to review and discuss your initial posting.

Professional Communication and Etiquette - Written interactions in the Forum show respect and sensitivity to peers' background and beliefs (Regardless of the position you are taking, please ensure that your participation comments are respectful to your peers' background and beliefs).

Writing Skills - Written responses are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. The style of writing facilitates communication. (Make sure your work is free of errors. If there are any errors as outlined above, you will not receive 100% for the forum).

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Operation Management: Base your definition on what you have encountered this week
Reference No:- TGS02809417

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