Topic - Base on Behavioral Health in the fire industry.
The relationship with PTSD among firefighters.
The United States Fire Administration (USFA) collects fire-related data to provide information and analysis on the fire problem in the United States. Fire departments may use this information in multiple ways, including creating a baseline for evaluating programs, increasing awareness, and targeting public education programs.
Select any one of the topics for which the site provides statistics, including: trends, causes, where fires occur, who fire affects, and firefighters and fire departments.
In a paper of no fewer than three full double-spaced pages not including the title page or reference page, analyze the information on the USFA fire statistics page under the topic you selected, and explain how the data may be applied to community risk reduction methods in your community. For example, your department may be looking for data to support a public outreach program related to the causes of fire or any of the other topics listed. How can the data presented on the USFA fire statistics page be used to accomplish this? Once you have discussed how the data could support a public outreach program, explain how you would design a study for the community based on those data.
Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information. Do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. All references and citations used must be in APA style. Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.
Annotated Bibliography
Develop an annotated bibliography of at least three scholarly sources excluding the course textbook that utilize empirical studies for your final paper topic. The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare for the final research proposal due in Unit VII.
The annotated bibliography submission should include:
Summaries for each source should include the following information:
A brief explanation/summary of the source. (Identify what the article is about or explain what the author tested, etc.)
Do not copy and paste the abstract or the summary from the article to your paper. Paraphrase and summarize the information in your own words. The whole summary may not be one long quotation.
A brief explanation of how this source will contribute to your final paper.
The following are NOT acceptable for academic research and referencing:
Wikipedia, other wikis, or blogs,,,, or any similar site
Websites and other sources that do not provide quality researched materials or that do not use credible sources to support the information in the document.
Each summary should be at least 100 words in length. Your document must use proper APA elements such as a title page, running head, and more. Click here to access the annotated bibliography template.
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.
Unit - Scholarly Activity
Developing the Methodology
Selecting the right research method for the project is essential. The wrong research design can result in information that does not answer the research question or data that are not helpful to the researcher. It is important to carefully select the methodology that best suits the research question.
For this assignment, select the most appropriate research method to test the research question for your research report.
Begin by explaining whether your research question is asking for quantitative or qualitative data. Then, consider which type of research design you would select if you were actually going to conduct the study. Remember that you will design the study but not actually do the data collection portion for the final paper. This means you can carefully design the most appropriate study for your project without worrying about time constraints that would normally play a role in the data collection step. Which research design is most appropriate? Which design will provide you with results to directly address your research problem?
In no fewer than two full double-spaced pages, include at least the following for this assignment:
List the most current version of your research problem at the top of the page.
Include the most current version of the purpose of your research report next.
Explain whether you are designing a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods study, and what constitutes such a study.
Be sure to support your points with scholarly material.
Include the following information to clearly describe your research design:
instruments, if any;
design; and
Explain why this research method is the best fit for your study. Include a specific design in your response.
Support your research method choice with scholarly material from at least three outside sources. At least two of those sources must come from the Waldorf Online Library.
Remember, this assignment is designed to help you work toward your research proposal.
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.
Unit - Outline
Developing the Outline
Develop a thesis and detailed outline for your final paper topic. The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare for the research proposal due in Unit VII.
Include at least the following elements in your outline:
an APA formatted title page,
a thesis for the introduction,
the purpose of your paper with support for your points from scholarly material taking into consideration the benefits and ethical issues associated with the purpose, research question or questions, at least five main section headings for the body of the document, sub-sections to each of those main sections, and recommendations and conclusions.
Your outline should be at least one page in length. Remember to use in-text citations throughout to show from where information came and to support your points with scholarly material. Include an APA style reference section at the end.
Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information. Do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. Sites such as Wikipedia,,,, and other similar sources are not scholarly in nature and may not be used for this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. All references and citations used must be in APA style.
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.
Research Proposal
The research proposal in this course is designed to allow you to discover, analyze, and interpret a fire-related research problem. A problem is not necessarily a troublesome area but an area of desired improvement. In other words, something may be performing well, yet someone still wants to see it perform even better. That is what a lot of research is all about-how can we do it better?
Include at least the following elements in your research proposal:
a title page;
a table of contents;
an introduction;
the purpose of the research with support for your points from scholarly material;
a literature review, which is different from the annotated bibliography,
a hypothesis;
a description of the research method, what you would do if you were to carry out the study;
conclusions and recommendations; and
a reference page.
The proposal should be 10 full double-spaced pages not including the title page, references, abstract, or any appendices.
You proposal should provide 12 sources that include empirical studies.
Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information. Do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. Websites such as Wikipedia,,,, and other similar sources are not scholarly in nature and may not be used for this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. All references and citations used must be in APA style.