
Bank of dohfar in sultanate of oman they require too much

Topic - Bank of dohfar in sultanate of Oman they require too much in reflections analysis.

This assignment will assess learning outcomes:

1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of modern developments within business management (Knowledge & Understanding);

2. Justify the recommendation of alternative approaches to management (Knowledge & Understanding);

3. Demonstrate knowledge and application of international standards relating to sustainability, values & norms, and business ethics within a global context. (Application).

The Task

Choose a business company in the Sultanate of Oman and evaluate how the company manage and apply their Corporate Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility to answer the following tasks with reference to the marking scheme as your guide in your report/assignment.

1. Discuss comprehensively the Elkington's (1999) Triple Bottomline of Sustainability. Critically evaluate the sustainability of the chosen company in terms of economic, social and environmental perspectives in relation to its stakeholders like shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, government and the general public. Give relevant examples to substantiate the discussion.

2. Explain the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility according to CaroII (1991). Critically assess the Corporate Social Responsibility of the chosen company applying the four part model of CSR according to Caroll.

The four part model of CSR are as follow:

2.1 Philanthropic responsibilities

2.2 Ethical responsibilities

2.3 Legal responsibilities

2.4 Economic responsibilities

You are required to give examples or scenarios which are being used by the company to support the discussion.

Discussion of assignment (Guideline)

1. Introduction
A. 275 Words:Background of the company, The history of the company, The vision &mission, Goals, nation location , Description of the company

B. 150 Words:How you are going to come up your understanding & learning of company

2. Discussion of Sustainability (965 Words)
A. 250 Words:Concept of John Elkington's 1999 about sustainability
B. 435 Words:Identify the economic program of the company
280 Words: Example of benefit to support your discussion &your opinionand what is my idea/thought

3. Discussion of CSR Corporate social responsibility (965 Words)
A. 175 Words:The concept and important of CSR (Corporate social responsibility)relevant of the chosen company
B. 520 Words:Identify company CSR & how it's been done, apply 4 part model of CSR from (Week 3)
C. 270 Words:Example of benefit to support your discussion & what is your reflection

4. Conclusion & Recommendation (270 Words)

A. Conclusion: 140Words, write I learned from part A........, I learned from part B.........
Part A which is ii.Discussion of Sustainability, Part B which is iii. Discussion of CSR Corporate social responsibility

B. Recommendation: 130 Word
Problem find and like behavior of management, staff /what plan & action suggest based on discussion (I find some problems or issue and what is the recommendation and solution............. )

5. References
Minimum 10 Various References
A. Books:
B. Journals:
C. Websites:

References - Harvard Referencing System

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Business Management: Bank of dohfar in sultanate of oman they require too much
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