
Balls estimated landing location

A batter hits the ball along the 1st baseline, with an initial velocity of 58.0 mph @ an angle of 61 degrees with respect to the ground. The rightfielder is located 188 ft from homeplate, at an angle of 26 degrees from the 1st baseline. After a delay of 0.181 seconds, the rightfielder starts moving in a straight line towards the ball's estimated landing location. He can accelerate from rest to a top speed of 8.4 m/s in 6.90 seconds.

(a) Where does the ball land? _________m, at an angle of _____ degrees off the 1st baseline.

(b) Does he catch the ball? Assumptions: the batter hits the ball just above ground level, you can ignore the physical dimensions of the rightfielder, AND if the rightfielder catches it, he catches the ball just before it lands.

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Physics: Balls estimated landing location
Reference No:- TGS0723455

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