Description: Baldrige Case Study: Triview National Bank
• Read the following sections in the “TriView National Bank Case Study”: Category 6: Operations Focus (pp. 29-34)
• Review the questions asked in Category 6.2 Work Processes, item b. (2) in the Baldrige “2011-2012 Criteria for Performance Excellence” (p. 22):
Supply-Chain Management
• How do you manage your supply chain?
• How do you ensure that suppliers you select are qualified and positioned to enhance your performance and customer satisfaction?
• How do you evaluate supplier performance?
• How do you deal with poorly performing suppliers?
• Evaluate TriView’s responses to the above questions found in the Baldrige Case Study folder.
Assignment Output:
• Identify one strength and one shortcoming relative to TriView’s strategic development process.
• Using the “Scoring Guidelines – Process Items” worksheet, identify the scoring band that best categorizes the current state of the organization relative to “Supply-Chain Management”. Justify your selection considering the ADLI (Approach, Deployment, Learning, Integration) factors.