Problem 1. If you are currently with a company that uses some elements of a balanced scorecard, post this information to the forum for this assignment. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the presented information..
Problem 2. Assume you are the CEO of an organization that has historically measured success purely from the financial perspective. Write a memo to your senior staff advising them of your desire to approach performance measurement from a balanced scorecard perspective. If you prefer, and it makes sense, you may write the memo as if you were the CEO of your current place of employment. If this is not possible, create the memo using a generic strategy. Include possible elements of what you would like to have included in the new measurement system, but also be sure to mention how you would like senior managers to have their input, since the balanced scorecard is certainly not a dictated measurement system. Your suggested scorecard, which will be open to feedback from your senior managers, should include certain objectives, key performance indicators, and specific goals as a starting point for conversation.