
Bad idea versus good idea

Written Assignment: Bad Idea vs Good Idea

Write a paper using APA format for references, addressing items a), b), and c) in question 4 on page 156 of the text.

Be sure to use the information from the text and any other reference material needed to support your position.

Please double space your paper. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation do count. Your work must be original material; properly cite all quoted and/or paraphrased material in APA format. Provide at least one scholarly reference

The following two articles provide different view-points about the opportunity recognition process.

- "Where Really Bad Ideas Come From":https://www.inc.com/magazine/199804015/1115.html

- "Where Great Ideas Come From":https://www.inc.com/magazine/19980401/908.html

After reading these articles, answer the following questions.

(a) How are the sources of "bad" ideas different from sources of "good" ideas?

(b) What makes a bad idea? How does this compare to a good idea?

(c) What are the characteristics of good opportunities?

Book Info: Enterprise by William B. Garner, Marlene G. Bellamy
ISBN: 13: 978-0-324-78533-3

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Other Subject: Bad idea versus good idea
Reference No:- TGS01449138

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