
Background and instructions to find population data


you are given the following background and instructions to find population data for each age group and sex from the 2000 census for the American Indian and Alaska Native group. Because emigration and immigration are not major.


Download and read the “.pdf” file (available in the Lab Assignment folder and here: https://esa21.kennesaw.edu/activities/populationage/populationage.pdf) before completing this answer sheet.  The ‘pdf’ is the lab. This MS Word ‘.doc’ is the answer sheet.  You are to fill in the answer sheet and submit it for grading.  Once you have completed the answers for the lab, save your document on your computer as “JohnDoeLab4” (or something similar).  You’ll be attaching this document in the assignment for me to grade.  To attach your answer sheet for Lab #4, go to “Assignments” section of class. Click Lab #4 and upload your answer sheet.  Then check ‘submit for grading’ and click ‘ok’ so I know it’s ready!

Gathering Population Data

On Page 3 of the lab (.pdf), you are given the following background and instructions to find population data for each age group and sex from the 2000 census for the American Indian and Alaska Native group. Because emigration and immigration are not major factors influencing the population numbers for this group, one can see the future of the group’s population without substantial migration influences. Here is an excerpt from the lab (.pdf):

Click on the following link to gather data for the number of females in each age group for the American Indian and Alaska Native. Be sure you use the column specified for that group:


Click on the following link to gather data for the number of males in each age group for the American Indian and Alaskan Native. Be sure you use the column specified for that group:


Using the datasheets from these links, complete the following.  You will be using MS Excel to produce a diagram or graph (rather than drawing one as the pdf instructs). Once you are finished constructing the graph, you are to insert/paste it on page 3 of this document below. All of page 3 will be graded, including the graph and remaining 2 questions at the end. 

Lab instructions - Constructing and Graphing an Age Structure Diagram

In this section you will use your data from the links above to create an age structure graph. An example of an age structure - or population pyramid - can be seen on page 153 of your textbook.
What is the shape of the AI/AN population’s age structure? Use the following methods to create a graph of the age structure of the AI/AN population. Follow the instructions below, step-by-step.

1.    Open a spreadsheet in Excel.

2.    Highlight column A, select Format Cells and then Text.

3.    Type in your data into the spreadsheet in the following format (see example below). It may be best to have a friend/family member read the data from the data links while you type.

a.    Type “Age Class” in cell A1 and type the age categories (i.e. 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, etc.) down this first "A" column.

b.    Type “Female” in B1 and then type the female values into this second column.

c.    Type “Male” in C1 and then type the male values into this third column. INCLUDE A NEGATIVE SIGN BEFORE EACH NUMBER IN THE MALE COLUMN. (i.e. -20, -14, etc).

d.    Enter numbers in each cell without commas or spaces.

e.    Proof your data. Read the values again while you check them on the screen.

Example of data entry:

Age Class         Female                                      Male
0-4                  10 (or whatever your data is)       -12
5-9                  12                                           -14
10-14               14                                           -16

4.    Highlight your data (click and drag all the cells you’ve entered text or data for) including the column titles. Go up to the menu on the top bar and select "Chart," "Bar," and then "Clustered Bar."

5.    Click Chart Layout from the top menu, and then Chart Title on the sub bar.

a.    In Chart Title, select "Title Above Chart" and type “Age Structure of American Indian and Alaska Native” in the text box

b.    Go back to Chart Layout and click "Axis Titles" (next to Chart Title).  Select "Vertical" and then "Rotated Title."  Type “Age Class”(4-year intervals).

c.    Go back to "Chart Layout" and click "Axis Titles" again.  Select "Horizontal," and then "Title Below Axis."  Type “Male, Female” (thousands).

d.    Select the Gridlines tab and deselect all gridlines.

e.    Select the "Legend" tab and select "Legend at Bottom."

6.    Hold the cursor over one of the bars in the graph until it indicates Series and then double click the mouse.

7.    Type in 100% for the Overlap field. Under Gap Width, type in 0. Click OK.

8.    Right click once to the left of the title of your graph to highlight the entire graph. Go to the Edit menu, click “cut.” Then “paste” righthere and save the MS Word document!


1. Take a look at the shape of the diagram you have constructed. Would you say the diagram reveals a rapidly growing population, a numerically stable population, or a population facing negative growth? Explain how you made your decision - based on what characteristics of your diagram?

2. Using the three age structure diagram examples from Mexico, Japan, and Iceland that you observed in the lecture portion of this activity, which one of these 3 countries is most comparable to the age structure diagram you constructed for the American Indian and Alaska Native?  Please explain your answer.

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Basic Statistics: Background and instructions to find population data
Reference No:- TGS01746690

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