
Ba272 - briefly describe the input output and processing of

This assignment is designed to give you a chance to implement the programming techniques we have covered.

It includes the following main techniques which you should explore or even master:

- Looping (two variations: Do While, andFor)
- Nested loops
- Catching errors
- Commenting source code
- Methods (that share data)
- Constants
- Placeholders in Print Strings

Turn in your a single .cs file (no other project files)and the required test example text file in the assignment_2\code folder. I recommend that you put that code in a test folder and try making a new project using that code- test it. Consider the criteria listed at the bottom of this page; your grade will be based on that rubric.

Here are the program requirements:
Dresses ForSuccess, a non-profit organization, wants a program to project inventory levels for their one and only product. Last year they produced 1074dresses and sold 1023 and had 217dresses on hand at the end of the year. They want to see how inventory and cash-based net income will be affected if they grow over several years. Production and sales are not the same each month and may grow at different rates:

- They close their workshop in February and June to allow for vacations.
- Sales are also seasonal. "Dresses ForSuccess"wants to model their sales in this system as follows:
o Most months' sales are equal to 7% of annual sales
o but September (back-to-school) and December (Christmas) will each have 15%.
- Each dress sells for $99.99.
- Variable costs are estimated to be $56.25 per unit.
- Fixed costs (rent and other infrastructure costs) are estimated to be$52,500 per year.
- Cash based profit is computed by multiplying unit sales * the unit price and then subtracting (variablecost * units produced) and finally subtracting fixed costs.

- Annual Sales Growth (as a percentage of the prior year) from -50% to +500%
- Annual Production Capacity Growth (as a percentage of the prior year) from -50% to +500%
- The number of years to project from 1 to 10
- Resultsfor each month including units produced and sold, inventory balance, revenue, cost, and profit
- Annual Totals for Production, Sales, Revenue, Cost, and Profit

Two sets of example output are provided here to help you understand what results are expected. You will need to make your own test examples.

A few VERY useful hints:
- Hint: Using the Placeholder method for displaying values automatically takes care of rounding.
- Hint: Rounding differently can result in slightly different yet still acceptable answers. Just be sure you can confirm that you understand how yours were computed. The numbers shown here assume the annual production and sales figures should be "correct" while monthly figures and inventory balances are approximate and subject to rounding error.

- Briefly describe the input, output, and processing of your program in a comment block. (This time you don't have to display this on the screen.)
- Create a test example text file listing correct computations for at least two possible sets of inputs. You should calculate these results in a spreadsheet or with a calculator so you are sure your program works correctly. Include this file with your code in the solution folder in the assignment_2/code folder.
- Include at least one method in your program that computes a value (as a return, or byref, or with an out variable) to accomplish a meaningful task. Hint: a method for accepting values from the console would be one good option since you need to do that for three different values.
- Store hardcoded input values in constants.
- Use try/catch or tryparse to keep the program from failing when non-numeric inputs are entered.
- Use Placeholder formatting somewhere in your program.
- Use nested For loops to process for each month in each year.
- Use Do While to accept input from the console.

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Computer Engineering: Ba272 - briefly describe the input output and processing of
Reference No:- TGS02519793

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