Consider the assignment problem having the following cost table.
The optimal solution is A-3, B-1, C-2, with Z = 10.
(a) Use the computer to verify this optimal solution.
(b) Reformulate this problem as an equivalent transportation problem by constructing the appropriate parameter table.
(c) Obtain an optimal solution for the transportation problem formulated in part (b).
(d) Why does the optimal BF solution obtained in part (c) include some (degenerate) basic variables that are not part of the optimal solution for the assignment problem?
(e) Now consider the nonbasic variables in the optimal BF solution obtained in part (c). For each nonbasic variable xijand the corresponding cost cij, adapt the sensitivity analysis procedure for general linear programming (see Case 2a in Sec. 6.7) to determine the allowable range to stay optimal for cij