
Awareness of current business-economic events

Purpose: Develop awareness of current business/economic events.

The article I chose is at this link:

"A tablet that is ready to take" by Chris Nuttall.

Chosen company: HP.

Deliverable: Paper

The paper should be a 2-page maximum (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced, 1" margin, appropriate internal citation and references) overview of the article and surrounding events. To establish the context and setting for the article, the students should address (in order):

1. An overview of the company (its primary industry, primary product/service lines, three year trend in revenues, net income and stock price. Additionally, the students should identify the CEO, COO, CFO and Chairman of the Board along with their length of employment in their current position.

2. An overview of the industry and major business environmental issues facing this company. This should include identification of primary competitors and their relative strength, the size of the domestic and international market for the primary good/service of the company, and any major recent events affecting this industry.

3. A summary of the news article.

Deliverable: Presentation

The students should prepare a PowerPoint presentation based on their summary paper. This presentation should address:

1) A brief overview of the news article

2) What would you characterize as the primary problem or issue in this case, and why?

3) What is the primary context surrounding this event (characterize the company's performance, industry, competitors and other identified business environmental issues)? How does the context shape the events or issues in your article?

4) What (if any) resources, capabilities or technologies are identified and what is the availability of each (and why)?

5) Who are the primary actors (individuals and organizations) with an interest in the events covered in the article?

6) Which of the actors identified above benefit/suffer from the events identified in your article? What are the implications of this? Why do you think so?

7) What ethical issues, if any, do you identify in the article or your analysis of the events?

8) Are there any surprises, contradictions, or perplexing findings in the article or your study of surrounding events? Why do you think so?

9) To this end, students should prepare a discussion board post with 5-7 open ended questions relating to people, entities, events and issues identified in the presentation.

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Business Management: Awareness of current business-economic events
Reference No:- TGS01445675

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