Awareness and understanding of a specific global issue

Assignment task: Informative Preparation Outline & Speech Guidelines

1. The goal of the Informative Speech is to increase audience awareness and understanding of a specific global issue. You will be discussing how people view, experience, and handle the issue. Do not use this speech to persuade the audience to take action.

2. First, you must choose a topic from the list provided and post on the discussion for approval by the deadline date provided. You will use this topic for both your informative and persuasive speeches, so choose a topic that interests you. STUDENTS CANNOT PRESENT THE SAME TOPIC!!!

3. The format will include an Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and list of 3 References in APA format. A PowerPoint with 3-5 slides must be created as a visual aid. This PowerPoint is required and will be evaluated on its design and integration into the speech. The Preparation Outline format must be labeled and look exactly like the example provided including all headings and sub-headings.

4. You must cite at least one source during each of your main points - no less than 3 sources - in support of your points (ex. according to..., as stated in..., said by...). This means that they must be verbalized, and not just referenced at the end... so integrate your sources!!!

Remember, this speech requires you to tell the audience what you learned through research, not your personal opinion or things you heard from non-experts. You must have at least 3 different references listed on a Works Cited page using the APA format. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA!

5. Your Informative speech will be 5 - 7 minutes in length, delivered extemporaneously (with notes), and you will hand in a typed-full sentence preparation outline. YOU MUST TURN IN A TYPED-FULL SENTENCE PREPARATION OUTLINE WITH REFERENCES BEFORE YOU ARE ALLOWED TO GIVE YOUR SPEECH!!!

6. You must dress professional in business casual clothing (no jeans, flip flops, or hats).

7. Speech Video Guidelines:

  • The speech must be video recorded and uploaded to YouTube. The link cannot be private or we will not be able to view. It must be able to be viewed with a link OR marked public. You will then post this link in Blackboard.
  • The video must show and audience of at least 4 people at the beginning and end of the speech. Be sure to talk to your audience and the camera. They should not be behind you and the camera should not be behind you, beside you, or just showing the audience. An audience is not an option, if you do not have four people then contact me regarding this issue. You can Facetime or Skype with an audience as long as I can see them at the beginning and end of your video. NO AUDIENCE = A ZERO GRADE
  • During the speech, the audio must be loud enough to hear and the video must show you from waist up with a clear view of your face. Please limit movement of the camera and all background noise.
  • You must integrate your visual aid Powerpoint into your speech or it will not count.
  • Once you upload your speech, log-out and back in to make sure your speech uploaded correctly in its entirety. If only the first minute uploaded, that is all you will receive credit for on your grade.
  • You will lose points or receive a zero if these guidelines are not met.

8. Lastly, all speeches are mandatory and required to pass the class. If you submit your speech late then you will lose one point per day on the grade unless you contacted me before the deadline.


  • 5 - 7 timed minutes - 80 points
  • General purpose: to inform
  • Speech method: extemporaneous - you may use your outline when giving the speech.
  • Required: Full-Sentence Typed Preparation outline with 3 references listed in APA format, and a 3-5 slide PowerPoint as the visual aid.


When choosing your topic, consider the following requirements:

You will provide the audience with FACTS and data on a specific global issue that you have THOROUGHLY researched (meaning you are not telling them your opinion, only what you have found through credible sources). This is not the time to persuade them how to get rid of the problem or take a stance on the issue as that will happen in the next speech.

You will cite at least 3 sources during your speech

The topic should be a global issue from the provided list you feel people need to know more about or have general misinformation on. This topic must be approved by the instructor.

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Other Subject: Awareness and understanding of a specific global issue
Reference No:- TGS03439698

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