
Aware of these festering concerns and their consequences

Disgree or Agree why?

  • Central bankers, utilizing newly honed but untested tools, have become the modern day architects of the world's debt-ridden national economic. Growth  and precocity are sputtering everywhere, yet societies continue to demand more from government. Facing budget constraints due to burgeoning debt and slow growth, government benefit now often come wrapped in costly, burdensome regulations and new entitlements that weakened their value. In essence, this is an invidious form of wealth transfer that will force future generations to pay for our addictions to debt and entitlements and or inadequate product with which to finance them. 
  • Without major reforms of our policies on trade, immigration, economic regulation and foreign affairs, the US will lose its capacity to generate growth in the resources needed to improve our underperforming schools, supply adequate health care, fulfill our obligations to aging veterans, provide a robust military defense structure, and modernize our obsolete Social Security System. Over the last 30 years, these needs have been neglected or addressed with little foresight. Aware of these festering concerns and their consequences, voters have exhausted their patient with presumed wisdom of the current political establishment.

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Business Management: Aware of these festering concerns and their consequences
Reference No:- TGS02532816

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