
auxinsauxins are plant growth substances the term

  1. Auxins are plant growth substances. The term Auxin usually refers to a chemical compound called Indole Acetic Acid (IAA), which is the major natural auxin.
  2. In plants auxins are synthesized in meristematic and enlarging tissues.
  3. IAA promotes growth and elongation of stems, roots and enlargement of many fruits.
  4. Auxins are known to loosen the cellulose frame work of cell wall which will help in cell enlargement.
  5. Auxins promote cell division in vascular cambium.
  6. Auxins is also known to promote root initiation.
  7. Auxins is responsible for apical dominance.
  8. Auxins is also known to inhibit the abscission (detachment) of leaves and fruits.
  9. Auxins are also responsible for bending of plants in response to light (phototropism) and also to the gravity stimulus (geotropism)
  10. Auxin spray can prevent premature fruit drop.

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Biology: auxinsauxins are plant growth substances the term
Reference No:- TGS0158694

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