
Automobile insurance jowenna surber owned a mercedes- benz

Automobile Insurance Jowenna Surber owned a Mercedes- Benz automobile that she insured through an insurance broker, Mid- Century Insurance Company (Mid- Century). Mid- Century secured a policy for Surber with the Farmers Insurance Company (Farmers). Surber gave permission to her friend, Bruce Martin, to use the car. Martin held a valid California driver's license. Surber did not receive any compensation for allowing Martin to use the car. While driving the car, Martin was involved in a collision with another vehicle, driven by Loretta Haynes, who suffered severe injuries. Martin admitted that his negligence was the cause of the accident. Surber's policy stipulates that the policy covers " you or any family member or any person using your insured car." Is Farmers liable to Haynes? Mid- Century Insurance Company v. Haynes, 218 Cal. App. 3d 737, 267 Cal. Rptr. 248, Web 1990 Cal. App. Lexis 219 (Court of Appeal of California) 

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