Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems
Automated storage and retrieval systems(SASRS) are system for receiving orders for materials from anywhere in operations collecting the materials from locations within a warehouse, and delivering the materials to workstations in operations. There are three major elements of ASRS:
1. Computers and Communication Systems: These systems are used for placing orders for materials locating the materials in storage, giving commands for delivery of the materials to locations in operations and adjusting inventory records showing the amount and location of materials.
2. Automated Materials Handling and Delivery Systems: These systems are automatically loaded with containers of materials from operations, which they deliver to the warehouse similarly they are automatically loaded with orders of materials at the ware house, which they deliver to workstations in operations. Powered and computer controlled conveyors of several types are sometimes used but automated guided vehicle systems (AGVS) are now being used in greater numbers for this propose. AGVS are usually driverless trains pallet trucks and unit load carriers. AGVS usually follow either embedded guide wires or paint strips through operations until their destinations are reached.
3. Storages and Retrieval Systems in Warehouse: Warehouse store materials in standard size containers. These containers are arranged according to a location address scheme that allows the location of each material to be precisely determined by a computer. A storage and retrieval (S/R) machine receives commands from a computer gets containers of materials from a pickup point in the warehouse delivers materials to their assigned location in the warehouse and places them in their location. Similarly S/R machines locate containers of materials in storage remove containers from storage, and deliver containers to a deposit point in the warehouse.