
Automated decision-making and decision support

1.What do you foresee for electronic billing and payments in the future?

2.How safe do you think your organization’s information is on the Internet? Why?

3.How does an employer balance its right to control and monitor e-mail and Internet use against the employee’s right to privacy? 

4.What are some of the challenges facing the accounting profession when doing business on the Internet?

Please make sure your response is at least 100 – 200 word response that is substantive. Research ESS online.

1.What are some examples of structured and unstructured problems?

2.What are the differences between automated decision-making and decision support?

3.What information is provided by the executive support systems (ESS) that aid in decision making?

4.What decisions might you not want ESS to make? Explain your response.


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Marketing Management: Automated decision-making and decision support
Reference No:- TGS0517008

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