
Autocorrelation-heteroscedasticity-multicollinearity problem

Answer all the given questions. Section A to be answered in around 500 words each and Section B to be answered in around 300 words.

Part A:

Question1: What is meant by the term autocorrelation? What are its major consequences? How do you detect it?

Describe one of the techniques for eliminating the problem of autocorrelation.

Question 2:

a) Differentiate between structural form and reduced form of a simultaneous equation system.
b) Describe the concept of identification in a simultaneous equation system.
c) Describe the ‘rank’ and ‘order’ conditions for identification of an equation in a simultaneous equation   system.

Part B:

Question 3: What is meant by the term heteroscedasticity? Describe one of the methods you would follow to eliminate the problem of heteroscedasticity.

Question 4: What is the requirement for using a dummy variable in a regression model? Differentiate between intercept dummy and slope dummy with an illustration. What is dummy variable trap?

Question 5: What are the various uses of Chow test? Write down the steps you would follow in applying the Chow test.

Question 6: Prove that OLS estimators are best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE).

Question 7: Write short notes on the given:

a) Simultaneity bias
b) Multi-collinearity problem
c) Adjusted-R2

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Econometrics: Autocorrelation-heteroscedasticity-multicollinearity problem
Reference No:- TGS02082

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