1) A hero exemplifies the values of his culture.
For this thesis statement, you must discuss the following three heroes:
1. Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh
2. Beowulf in Beowulf
3. Achilles in the Iliad
2) An important part of a hero's journey is the transformation that the hero's character goes through over the course of his story.
For this thesis statement, you must discuss the following three heroes:
1. Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh
2. Beowulf in Beowulf
3. Achilles in the Iliad
3) Authors belonging to a monotheistic culture strip myths of their polytheistic elements and shape those myths to fit into a world with only one God.
For this thesis statement, you must discuss the following three authors and works:
1. the Islamic author of the Tale of Buluqiya
2. the Christian author of Beowulf
3. Snorri Sturluson, the Christian author of Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda