The authoritiveness of an encyclopaedia can be judged by the reputation of the editor, consult-ants, contributors who are responsible for producing it. The reputation of the editors, consultants, contributors can be assessed from their academic qualifications and such experience of publications in past. The success of an authoritative encyclopaedia also depends upon the reputation of the publishers and editorial staffs such as proof readers, indexers, artists, photographers, etc.
The publisher can be reliable and dependable only if he has gained recognition and reputation due to past experience of producing encyclopaedias. He has to take pains in producing each and every edition by continuous revision to keep up the name in the world of encyclopaedias. The editorial staff should be highly proficient in their skill and should do their jobs conscientiously. It is necessary to have a competitive, experienced and efficient team to produce a reputed encyclopaedia. It cannot be produced by a single individual.