Author studies are one way a teacher can expose students to a variety of books written by the same author. For this assignment you will create a newspaper built around an author and the books the author has written.
Choose an author who has written a number of children's books. A possible list can be found in Appendix A of Children's Books in Children's Hands.
Create a 2-page brochure or newsletter. The brochure or newsletter may be created in Microsoft® Publisher or Microsoft® Word.
Include the following elements in the newspaper articles:
Author's life and background
Overall description of types of books (genre, series, themes, point of view, and so on)
List of most well-known books
Two books summarized according to the literary elements set forth in the textbooks
Two books evaluated by the criteria found in the genre chapter of the textbooks (may be the same two books used for the summary)
Connection between one of the two books and the author's life and background
Description of why the author is a favorite children's author
Explanation of how an author's study would be developed for a classroom unit on children's literature
References listed