
Authentic assessments

Make a research-based and professional practice-based rationale that supports the employ of authentic types of assessments. (By "professional practice" we mean the literature written by educators who describe how and why they use authentic assessment methods).

Please examine multiple strategies of authentic assessment, including student-centered and teacher-centered scenarios, as well as self-assessment, surveys, and portfolios.

This rationale is to clearly address each of the following:

1. What is "authentic assessment"?

2. What is a specific example of an authentic assessment that you would (or do) use in your (current or future) classroom?

3. How is authentic assessment different from traditional assessment measures?

4. What are the benefits / advantages of authentic assessments over traditional assessment measures?

Assignment Expectations

Your research and professionally-based rationale is to clearly illustrate your understanding of authentic assessments - as depicted in the background information reading.

Use a number of resources from the research and professional literature to support your claims. In particular:

You are to use a minimum of 2 articles / resources from the literature (These may include the readings provided for you on the background information page).

You are to appropriately cite and list your supporting references.

The structure of your submission is to demonstrate your ability to present and support your insights in a clear, organized, and professional manner.

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Other Subject: Authentic assessments
Reference No:- TGS032935

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