Auretr034 - develop and apply electrical system

Electrical System Modifications (Non-Technical- TAFE)

Assessment Type - This is a summative assessment. which requires each student to have adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment. This assessment Must also be undertaken in a fully equipped automotive workshop.


For this observation, students are required to undertake a light vehicle electrical systems modification of their own choice


Before beginning the electrical systems modification students must make adequate preparations for the task, inducing:

- Follow instructor's to ensure exact requirements of the modifications are clearly understood. Instructions will include verbal & written instructions as well as any site-specific instructions. Students should also consult relevant modification instruction manuals to determine modification requirement, methods and required equipment.

Students must follow WH&S requirement at all times. Including proper use of PPE Select and prepare all necessary components, tooling and equipment.

Once preparations have been made, students are to apply and test the modification, specification following site -specific instructions including:

- Undertake light vehicle electrical systems modification of thee own choice n accordance with workplace procedures and manufacturer specifications
Correctly interpret analysis results and compare with manufacturer specifications to determine compliance or noncompliance
- Document result and process reports following workplace procedures
- Ensure that the equipment tools cleaned and inspected for serviceable condition in accordance with workplace procedures after the completion of work
- Ensure that work area is clean and organised after the completion of work
- Student can seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done
- Students can ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of protect or Assessment
- Students can seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the assessments.
- Students with special needs can seek assistance from Assessors depending upon the nature of the need
- Students can seek assistance from assessor while using special diagnostic equipment


Performance objective

The candidate will demonstrate the skill and knowledge required to identify and confirm the modification requirement, develop and validate the modification specification.

Assessment Description
Using the scenario information supplied, the candidate will identity and confirm the electric., systems modification requirement. Candidate is than required to identify the WHS requirements, including regulatory requirements, equipment and system isolation requirement and personal protection needs are observed throughout the work. Candidate has to identify and confirm the purpose and outline the modification. In doing so candidate should identify, frame and present to the customer and outline options for achieving the required purpose and objectives. Also, the candidate is required to consider the possible legal and safety impacts of the modification in accordance with regulatory and enterprise obligations and practices.

Student Instructions:
For this assessment. the student is required to identity and confirm the electrical systems
modification requirement evidencing development and validation of the modification specification at a simulated workplace

Submission should include:
One report of at least 1000 words Identifying requirements to identify and confirm the electrical systems modification requirement, evidencing development and validation of the modification specification at simulated workplace


Performance objective

The candidate will demonstrate the working knowledge to Apply and test the modification specification.

Assessment Description

Using the scenario information supplied, the candidate will apply and test electrical modification. Candidate will follow the selected modification in accordance with established specifications. Under look modification by using equipment tooling and materials in accordance with accepted industry standards and practices. Test results and other diagnostic finding are verified, if necessary, by using reliable alternate or optional process, information modification is documented and provided to the appropriate parties in accordance with regulatory and commercial obligations.

Student Instructions:
For this assessment the student is required to apply and test the modification specifications Ata simulated workplace.

You must provide:
One report of at least 600 words identifying requirements to apply and test the modification specification, at a simulated workplace.


This is a closed book written assessment In allocated time of 2 hours, you are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you

Answer all questions
Use a pen Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted

Ask your assessors if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer. he/she may be able to re-word the question for you

Do not talk to your classmates If you we caught taking. you will be asked to leave and your assessment will not be marked

Do not cheat Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked not Yet Complement for this unit. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.


1. What PPE should be worn while electrical systems modification of a vehicle"

2. Briefly discuss the step you would take to plan out a task before strong your work?

3. Write a procedure to store tools and equipment after the completion of your work.

4 Give an example of a material that can be reused.

5. Write the workshop clean up procedures.

6. How would you store unserviceable/faulty equipment?

7. How would you differentiate between waste, scrap and serviceable components?

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Dissertation: Auretr034 - develop and apply electrical system
Reference No:- TGS02802212

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