
auditors procedures - audit processthe relevant

Auditors Procedures - Audit Process

The relevant authority on post balance sheet events is ISA. The preparation of loss and profit account and balance sheet will forever include the consideration of events that have or will happen after the balance sheet date. The purpose being there are numerous dealings in progress at the balance sheet date which outcome is uncertain and so further events subsequent to the balance sheet date such have happened or are expected to occur require to be examined to determine the suitable values of liabilities and assets. Examples abound like the collectability of debts, the total realisable value of old stocks, the conclusion of litigation. Even the value of fixed assets is a function, of their expected future needful life.

Because the directors in preparing the accounts will invariably require post balance sheet events, the auditor must receive evidence such all post balance sheet events have been considered and where suitable utilized and balance sheet values accurately incorporate post balance sheet events.

  • The questions that arise are related along with what subsequent events should be occupied into account and how then they should be treated in the accounts.

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Auditing: auditors procedures - audit processthe relevant
Reference No:- TGS0182140

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