
Auditors are often under pressure to keep their audit work

1. Passions which can have an intense impact on us for a short time include:

Greed and love of fame

Fear and anger

Fear and greed

Anger and love of fame

2. The greater the pressure we feel in a situation

The harder it is to justify unethical decisions

The easier it is to act in accordance with virtue

The harder it is to act in accordance with virtue

The easier it is to recognize ethical issues

3. Passions which bring pressure on us gradually over time include:

Love of pleasure, greed and fear

Greed, love of pleasure, anger

Love of pleasure, love of fame, anger

Greed, love of pleasure, love of fame

4. According to Smith, if we control our anger due to fear

We are acting in accordance with justice

We are acting in a noble manner

We are being prudent

It takes away all of the nobleness of the restraint

5. Cynthia Cooper of WorldCom needed self-command in order to:

Understand her company’s journal entries

Supervise her internal audit staff

Write a book about her experiences

Face up to her management

6. We need the virtue of self-command in order to _____ in accordance with virtue





7. Auditors are often under pressure to keep their audit work within budget. This creates a *temptation to:

Fail to follow up on suspicious transactions

Cut corners by reducing audit work

Under-report hours worked

All of the above

8. The relationship between self-command and the other virtues is best described as follows:

Self-command has little to do with the other virtues

Self-command is less important than the other virtues

Self-command adds luster to the other virtues

Self-command is an optional virtue, the others are mandator

9. Self-command helps us to restrain our:

Emotions, conscience and reactions

Emotions, reactions and sympathy

Feelings, thoughts and ideas

Feelings, emotions and reactions

10. Accountants face pressures and temptations, such as

Temptations to maximize their personal compensation

Pressures from superiors in their organizations

Pressures from clients

All of the above

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Financial Management: Auditors are often under pressure to keep their audit work
Reference No:- TGS02739929

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