
Attributed to your chosen business leader

Leadership Styles : key informaiton

Choose one well-known business leader (such as GE's Jack Welch, Chrysler's Lee Lacocca, IBM's Lou Gerstner, and so on.) to research on the Internet. Identify three of their qualities, characteristics, or behaviors that appeal to you personally. Justify why these characteristics make them good leaders in terms of how they influence the effectiveness of the others in the company and of the company as a whole. Identify which of these three character traits is the most important to their success as a leader.

Choose another such quality that is commonly attributed to your chosen business leader and explain why you believe it is less important than the one you chose to be most important. (Please note that "of lesser importance" doesn't imply unimportance.)

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Operation Research: Attributed to your chosen business leader
Reference No:- TGS026120

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