
Attribute of neolithic revolution

Question1. An attribute of the Neolithic revolution was the movement of people to villages because

a) Cooperation was needed to manage the new technologies.

b) Numbers were necessary for defence.

c) More workers were required for the factories.

d) Only the priests knew how to make fire.

Question2. According to Cowan, the pre-Civil War railroad system didn’t constitute a technological system since

a) All the railroad lines were owned through the same company.

b) Various gauge tracks prevented integration as a network.

c) There were many east-west trunk lines.

d) It had sustained much harm from the war.

Question3. Edgerton counters theory of distinct successive technological revolutions by explaining that

a) The development of agricultural production has coincided with growth of modern services.

b) The revolutionary nature of each leap forward was rooted in the political instability.

c) The information highway has replaced shipping in the significance in Chinese economy.

d) Diminish in the agricultural production has coincided with a decrease in the industry.

Question4. The introduction of four uniform time zones in the United States was a direct consequence of

a) The widespread introduction of mechanical clocks from China.

b) The loss of affect of the Catholic Church.

c) The impact of a fully integrated on the railroad system.

d) The growth of the commercialized farming in the 20th century.

Question5. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Wiki art?

a) It is dynamic and ever-changing.

b) It is concerted.

c) It can engage music, video, poetry, and stories.

d) It relies on the talents of trained professional artists.

Question6. According to Winner, the design of a hoe (el cortito), reflects a political relationship since

a) It was specifically designed for use by the women.

b) Its design was patented through the commercial farming interests.

c) It was used only by the labourers on the cotton plantations.

d) The handle was intentionally made short to let supervisors know who wasn't working.

Question7. The word Luddite refers to

a) Investors in industrial society.

b) Church leaders who supported the child labour.

c) Workers who rejected latest technologies.

d) Politicians who resisted the factory reforms.

Question8. Which of the subsequent is NOT a scholarly resource?

a) Journal of the American Medical Association

b) https://journalofaccountancy.com

c) Chicago Tribune

d) www.econlib.org

Question9. Bill Joy compares the threat of self-replicating nanotechnology with

a) The use of living cells in genetic engineering.

b) The use of uranium in the nuclear weapons.

c) The threat of neo-Luddites.

d) The proliferation of chemical weapons.

Question10. The word nanotechnology was first employed to refer to

a) Genetically engineered crops.

b) Production technology.

c) Communication between the multiple cells.

d) Early personal computers.

1. You should complete all three essays.

These essays must be a minimum of five paragraphs in the length each. They must hold a clear thesis statement in first paragraph (an answer to the question!). Ensure your explanation is clear and that you provide particular examples. Any quotes from the readings or external materials should consist of quotation marks and an in-text citation.

1. Why does Cowan believe it is important to examine technologies in the context of technological systems? What advantage does this broader perspective give to planners? Give a particular latest technological example (not it the reading) in support of your answer.

2. Both Winner and Joy explore the issue of technology and control. How would you compare their two views of current technological development? Focus the comparison on a particular technology, such as genetically modified organisms.

How have changes in technology influences the recording industry and our understanding of what it means to be a professional musician? How have changes in technology affected our access to recorded music and the control exercised by traditional distributors? How will all these changes affect cultural trends and our expectations of music as an art form? Give particular examples.

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