Essential Readings
Holzer and Lamont. A, 2010, 'Corporal Punishment: Key Issues. National Child Protection Clearinghouse. Resource Sheet. Child Family Community
Australia I 9/rs19.pdf
Naylor. B and Saunders, B 2011, "the legality of 'The Slap'. The Conversation, viewed 3 March. 2012, theconveNat
Tom ison. Adam M. 2001. 'A history of child protection back to the future? Family Matters vol 60, spring summer , pp. 46 - 57.
Further Readings
A hdar, R and Allan J 2001, 'Taking smacking of seriously: The case for retaning the legality of perental smacking in NEW Zealand' , NEW Zealand, NEW Zealand law review,
Atter reading the Essential reading and a selection of further reading in a 250 word answer the following question
Should slapping children be banned?