Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition

The Abuse of ADHD Medications Among College Students

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a condition that has its root cause in the nervous system, resulting in an individual's inability to focus attention on one task, or to even remain still. Stimulants are prescribed to treat ADHD are usually strong stimulants, as they produce a paradoxical effect on individuals wit ADHD, allowing them to focus and concentrate. The abuse of these medications among college students is on the rise - why? In your discussion, address the following:

  • What are potential side effects of this use?
  • What can be done by students, faculty, and administration to prevent this abuse?
  • Does the abuse of ADHD medications give some students an unfair advantage?

Remember, your initial post is due on or before Thursday, and you need to reply to at least two of your fellow learners (see rubric below) and references in the initial post are required. Discussion are ongoing, and posts made at the last minute will not receive full credit.

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Biology: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition
Reference No:- TGS02559820

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