
attackers motives behind the cyber attackbefore

Attacker's Motives behind the Cyber Attack

Before adapting the necessary measures to deal with the problem, understanding and evaluating the blogger's psyche and his motivation to plan an attack will be a wise choice. This may help in identifying whether the blogger must be given a chance to explain his position before taking any legal action against him. It can also be determined whether any action by the company resulted in such a reaction by the blogger. Also, such situations can aidin preventing futureoccurrences and help in identifying tools that are used by bloggers. Most importantly, theexercise will help EZ identify what type of attacker the blogger can be classified such as:

• any freelance information broker
• the blogger could be an employee from any domestic or foreign competitor companies.
• intentionsof blackmailing EZ for money
• The blogger could be a hacker that may even attack the computer system for any malicious damage and other inappropriate reasons.
• The blogger could have an old conflict with the EZ which forced him to manipulate the information against their brand (Workman, 2010).

There is no denying in the fact that thrill-seeking teenagers, hackers and bloggers are still very common. However, this cannot be ignored that this field is now dominated increasingly by various professionals who master at stealing private information and data to sell. In fact it will be fair to say that individuals attack a computer since that is where the information lies. In today's extremely competitive and hi-tech business environment, company information possessesgreat value and can be used for both improving and destroying the image of any business. Teenagersare least likely to benefit from such a scenario and thisinvolvement will only point out to a familiar professional.Furthermore, if the patterns of bloggers are closely followed, then it will be found that he seems to be a professional in blogging and other associated areas that may include maintaining blogs and websites.

The blogger could be a disgruntled employee from the past is who can damage the systems or steal data for profit or revenge. However, the situation generally suggests that the attacker has an apparent grudge with EZ that took place years ago in an argument with a few of the company's principals. He is intention may be to gain a sense of control, power, revenge, and self-importance by successfully retrievingthe company's information and using it to disrupt activities and destroy The EZ Company's reputation.

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Computer Networking: attackers motives behind the cyber attackbefore
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