
Attack or defend the following with growing complexity and

Assignment: Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

1. Attack or defend the following: "With growing complexity and costs, a new and better collaboration is needed among various healthcare providers, patients, and the family and friends of the patients. Enabling this collaboration will require true life-long learning for all of the groups and mechanisms to facilitate communication and informed decision making. This is where computing and informatics can play a major role in healthcare improvement."

2. When so many people focus on cost of smartphones, computers, and tablet and appear to ignore the total cost of ownership, the cost to train those who use them and support them until they can realize the benefits even in time of stress and overload, as well as the impact and consequences of viruses, malware, and data theft, what do you believe healthcare providers should do to properly evaluate alternative solutions and why?

3. Consider a major change in your professional life (or the life of someone you know). To what extent do you feel the change was well conceived and handled as a well-managed project as outline in Chapter 4? Think about each of the major aspects of the project raised in the chapter as you reflect on the change. Attack or defend the notion that the process outlined in Chapter 4 is generically wise and should be at the heart of major changes in the domain of healthcare.

4. It is common for organizations to invest in training workers during major process changes, but the amount of training given to support the organization's processes and procedures, especially to recent hires, declines over time. Attack or defend the notion that any organization that claims to be above average must carefully ensure that newcomers are successfully transformed to perform in ways that are consistent with the values, processes, and procedures of the organization before they are assigned regular duties.

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Dissertation: Attack or defend the following with growing complexity and
Reference No:- TGS02880271

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