
Attachments worksheet data file guideline template parts to

Attachments: Worksheet, data file, guideline template. Parts to be done: Discussion, Problem solving task, Assessment (As an example, here are some guidelines on writing: Use half a page to answer the discussion question; dot points are fine. Use half a page for cover the key points about how you estimate k. So mention the experiment set up, what the objective function is, what its derivatives are, and how they rearrange to Beta0 and Beta1, and how Beta1 relates to k. This is where you need to discuss how you arrived at this method. On the back page include the graph for at least one of the datasets, including the MATLAB code is optional. I have added a guideline template example.We will now consider an example where we will estimate k based on some observed data from an experiment where we had a hanging spring and measured its length at rest. We then applied a know force to some springs by attaching various weights to the end of the spring and then measured the change in length in the spring from its position at rest. We will use this data to estimate k.


• How would you estimate k using the data?

• What criteria would you use to judge how good your estimate was?

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Science: Attachments worksheet data file guideline template parts to
Reference No:- TGS01247250

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