Question: Athletes and gambling. A survey of student athletes that asked questions about gambling behavior classified students according to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) division.39 For male student athletes, the percents who reported wagering on collegiate sports are given here along with the numbers of respondents in each division:
Division I II III
Percent 17.2% 21.0% 24.4%
Number 5619 2957 4089
(a) Analyze the data. Give details and a short summary of your conclusion.
(b) The percents in the preceding table are given in the NCAA report, but the numbers of male student athletes in each division who responded to the survey question are estimated based on other information in the report. To what extent do you think this has an effect on the results?
(c) Some student athletes may be reluctant to provide this kind of information, even in a survey where there is no possibility that they can be identified. Discuss how this fact may affect your conclusions.