"If we do not want a baby for next two years, how can we calculate the safe sex period?"
She shares that her cycle is regular but not standard 28 days long cycle (so the standard explanation form different sources won't work unless you think critically)!
At what time of the female cycle is she most likely to prevent fertilization of her ovulated egg? Consider the fact that her cycle is not 28 days but longer or shorter (you pick).
Do males have any time (in their cycle- if any) when their gametes would not be able to fertilize the egg?
In other words when can intercourse lead to least chance of pregnancy? Feel free to check with your older friends, doctors, nurses, or anyone who you feel comfortable talking about this. Remember that your response should be a well-constructed paragraph of 8-10 complete sentences with appropriate AP2 terminology with explanation of terms for a layman. your ability to express and explain would show your understanding of the subject! Check out the rubric for grading details.