
At what stage or stages is your country in the demographic

Fundamentals in Global Health Practice

Country Analysis and Report

Assignment instructions

Select one of the public health topics below. The topic you select will serve as a guiding framework for all 3-parts of this assignment.

Consultancy Theme:

You are a Technical Advisor at the World Health Organization, and you are based in Geneva. You have been sent from WHO headquarters as a technical consultant to the Ministry of Health of your chosen country.

The Ministry of Health is developing its next five-year Health Sector Strategic Plan. Your role is to think about either improving (where population coverage is low, <70%) or sustaining (where population coverage is high, >70%) interventions for ONE of the following public health topics.

As a consultant to the Ministry of Health, consider the alignment of your selected interventions with global standards of practice, how feasible theselected interventions are to implement in the country, the indicators you would select to monitor progress on the selected interventions, the global and national data sources that you will use to calculate all the indicators, and the stakeholders to be involved in planning and implementation in the country.

PICK ONE of the topics below to guide your thinking, particularly for the 3rd assignment.

1. Childhood Immunization

2. Antenatal/Prenatal Care

3. Infectious Disease Treatment or Prevention (pick one: malaria, OR diarrhea, OR pneumonia)

4. Chronic Disease Treatment or Prevention (pick one: hypertension OR diabetes)

For each part, the assignment will consist of the following:

1. Look up the population, health and nutrition data from the websites and sources mentioned in the lectures and listed in the online library. Select and report indicators which help you develop your assigned section of the National Health Sector Strategic Plan and the short answer questions in the corresponding section.

a. In each assignment part, at least two indicators in your table should correspond to a subgroup (that is, disaggregated data) within the country (Examples of subgroups include: gender: male/female, location: rural/urban, wealth quintile or socio-economic status, etc.)

2. Using the data collected in the figure and tables, answer the short essay questions for the assignment in the template below. You should also use at least 2 peer-reviewed sources (i.e. a journal article) and appropriately cite and reference them in your answer. Approximateupper wordlimits are provided for each section - we encourage you to be concise.

3. In Part 3 of the assignment, we expect you to synthesize the information you gathered in previous parts of the assignment as you write up your section of the National Health Sector Strategic Plan for your country of choice. The questions in this section will help you organize your ideas.

4. Provide references for any materials you use in completing the assignment. References should be in Vancouver, or a similar (numbered) format. Provide in text citations in your responses. We have uploaded links to many helpful resources on the Course Plus Library. Please refer to these!

Demographic and epidemiologic transition questions:

Answer the following questions based on figure 1, tables 1 and 2, and your own review of the relevant literature.

1. Provide an explanation for why you chose the indicators reported in Table 1 (200 words)

2. At what stage (or stages) is your country in the demographic transition? Provide evidence from the data to support your answer. (200 words)

3. Describe and explain any significant variation in the stage of demographic transition within the country by region, social class, or ethnic group. (hint: report on data over time) (200 words)

4. Is the concept of "epidemiologic transition" applicable to your country and, if so, at what stage is your country in the epidemiologic transition? (150 words)

5. Using your topic as a guide, describe direct or indirect evidence that different groups within your country (by region, social, or ethnic group) have distinct patterns of disease burden? (350 words)

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Operation Management: At what stage or stages is your country in the demographic
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