1. At what event did you begin to exist?
2. What is the difference between a fetus and an embryo?
3. What does the word "fetus" mean?
4. How young is the unborn child when it can first experience pain?
5. When does the developing human's heart begin to beat?
6. What does it mean to say that the unborn child is a patient?
7. What is one piece of information which ultrasound discloses about the developing child?
8. What is the difference between pro-life and pro-choice?
9. What percentage of abortions are chosen for non-medical reasons?
10. Most Down Syndrome children cannot life satisfactory lives; aborting them is therefore justified. True. False.
11. It has been established that abortion is safer than childbirth. True. False.
12. What do the letters PAS stand for?
13. How is PAS manifested?
14. Very briefly, what is the subject of Karen's story?
15. There is strong evidence that abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. True. False.
16. What is the contradiction between "What the Nurse Saw" (photo copy) and the newspaper article on the other side about "kicking death"?
17. State two facts from "The First Nine Months" which impressed you. a.
19. State two facts from "Abortion: Some Medical Facts" which impressed you.
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