
at times customers make mistakes in submitting

At times, customers make mistakes in submitting their orders and call to cancel the order. Brewbean's wants to create a trigger that automatically updates the stock level of all products associated with a cancelled order and that updates the ORDERPLACED column of the BB_BASKET table to zero, reflecting that the order was not completed. Create a trigger named BB_ORDERCANCEL_TRG to accomplish this task by considering the following items:

1.  The trigger needs to fire when a new status record is added to the BB_BASKETSTATUS table and when the IDSTAGE column is set to 4, which indicates order cancellation.

2.  Each basket can contain multiple items in the BB_BASKETITEM table, so a CURSOR FOR loop may be an appropriate mechanism to update the stock level of each item.

3.  Keep in mind that coffee can be ordered in half o whole pounds.

4.  Use basket 6 for testing. Note that this basket contains two items.

a.  Open or return to SQL Plus. Execute the following statement to test the trigger:

Insert into bb_basketstatus (idstatus, idbasket, idstage, tdstage) values (bb_status_seq.nextval, 6, 4, sysdate);

b.  Execute queries to confirm that the basket order status and product stock levels have been appropriately modified by the trigger.

c.  Be sure to run the following statement to disable this trigger so that it does not affect other products:

Alter trigger bb_ordcancel_trg disable;

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PL-SQL Programming: at times customers make mistakes in submitting
Reference No:- TGS0210162

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