
At the recent clinic strategic planning meeting the team

At the recent clinic strategic planning meeting, the team members (administrators, healthcare providers, clinic staff, and community mem-bers) decided it was time to upgrade the patient management system to include a comprehensive electronic medical record (EMR) system, including converting all paper medical records to e-records, implement-ing patient exam room e-charting, and installing an e-patient communi-cation system for making appointments, requesting prescription refills and making payments. Fortunately, the clinic had enough money in its reserve account to pay for this system upgrade. It was decided that the project would begin with establishing a training computer lab so every employee would be trained on the mock computer software prior to any clinic implementation. Because Ms. Hill, the training administrator, was familiar with behav-ioral theories, she used the Social Learning Theory to evaluate the train-ing process instead of merely implementing the training without any evaluation plans. Ms. Hill wanted to make the training a positive experi-ence, so she used the Diffusion of Innovations Theory and let employ-ees volunteer to attend the training sessions. She selected this theory instead of conducting the training by department because she knew that the innovators would seek out the training first and their positive com-ments would encourage the early adopters to sign up next. After word spread through the clinic, the early majority employees completed the training. Lastly, Ms. Hill had to get a bit creative with a small incentive to get the late majority and laggards to attend the last training session. After each group of employees received 20 hours of computer training, she conducted a satisfaction survey. The categories of survey questions followed the constructs of the Social Learning Theory

Read Perrin (2014).Principles of Evaluation and Research for Health Care Programs Case Study Chapter 4 p.104-106 Theories and Models: What other theories could have been used? How should Ms.Hill form the staff implementation team?

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Operation Management: At the recent clinic strategic planning meeting the team
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