Question: At the end, you should have a workable training program in place to address a theoretical organizational performance deficiency. Application of your creative skills is necessary as you will craft an organization for which you will develop a training module to address a fault in performance of operations that has resulted in a gap between actual organizational performance (AOP) and expected organizational performance (EOP). The deficiency could manifest itself in profitability shortfalls, low levels of customer satisfaction, excessive waste of materials, etc.
Parameters: Part 1 You are required to provide an overview of a company (real or one you create) in approximately 750 words:
· Identify a company of your choice (or create one) and provide background information on the organization (type of company, products, services, location, number of employees, etc.).
· Discuss the organization's mission and vision statements.
· List and discuss the organization's strategic objectives.
· Discuss the issues that led up to the triggering events and the resulting need.
· Explain how HR and the training unit will work together to ensure that the training program is launched.
Please ensure that the following APA formatting standards are applied:
· APA formatted title page.
· Introduction with a clearly identified thesis statement.
· APA formatted headings for each key element presented.
· APA formatted in-text citations.
· Conclusion summarizing key points presented and a recommendation or solution.
· APA formatted reference page.
Tips: · Address each identified section
· Include reference(s) and citation(s)
· Length is no less than 750 words
· Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage and punctuation are followed
· Used APA style and format--one inch margins, second headings, double space, title page, reference page
· Include a conclusion which summarizes key points
· Include an introduction which clearly establishes your thesis