
At the conclusion of your analysis you will draft a memo


PART I: To complete the project assignment you will begin with a lightly-loaded system from Example 6.13 in GSO (your textbook, Glover, Sarma and Overbye). You will first set up and run an automated set of contingencies and report the tabulated results. Run every contingency involving a single line or transformer outage if the line or transformer is operating at 100kV or greater. You can get a start on automating contingency analysis by looking at the "Contingency Analysis..." tab under the Tools tab in Powerworld. Powerworld has an "Auto Insert" feature that may help you set up your contingencies.

PART II: You will then uniformly increase the system loading to establish a heavily-loaded base case. With the heavily-loaded base case you will run several individual contingencies and look for overloaded lines, buses or generators. If overload conditions exist, you will recommend a solution. You will then be tasked with converting an overhead line to underground and will again look for overload conditions and solve them if they exist. Finally, you will examine relevant literature on integrating wind energy resources and comment on the impact that adding significant amounts of wind generation might have on your base case.

At the conclusion of your analysis you will draft a memo describing the overload conditions and the proposed solutions. You will also generate a 30-minute slide presentation and give the presentation in class.

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