A. At the above rate (8.5 seconds), how long does it take to infect over one thousand servers (i.e. 1,024 or more), if there is only one server currently being infected? Show your work.
B. Continuing from question A., how long does it take to infect over one million servers (i.e. 1,048,576 or more), if there are 1,024 servers currently being infected?
C. From the answers given in A and B, what would you guess how long it will take to infect over one billion servers (i.e. 1,073,741,824 or more) if one million servers have already been infected?
D. Suppose the current time is 11:54:20 (11 O’clock 54 minutes 20 seconds) am. From the answers given in parts A, B, and C by what time will the SQL Slammer Worm infect over 1 trillion servers if only one server is being infected now? Show your work.
E. How much bandwidth (Mbps) is consumed by a server infected by SQL Slammer Worm under the following condition? Show your work.
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