
Assuming the bandgap of gaas eg1 1424 ev and that of aias

The length of GaAs laser resonator is L = 165 um; the width and the thickness are W = 10 um and d = 0.1 um. Find the photon round - trip time in this resonator. The refractive index of GaAs is 3.7.

Calculate the extraction efficiency (in percentage) of flat - surface LED without any encapsulation (emits directly into the air). The LED is fabricated from material with the refractive index n = 2.3.

Assuming the bandgap of GaAs, Eg1 = 1.424 eV and that of AiAs, Eg2 = 2.671 eV, find the required AI - fraction x in AIxGa1As compound to fabricate the material for red light emission with the wavelength lambda = 652 nm.

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Electrical Engineering: Assuming the bandgap of gaas eg1 1424 ev and that of aias
Reference No:- TGS0592604

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