Assuming a windows operating system eximine how these

Qusetion: Touch screen interface

1) Look at the hardware options for touch screen interface that would be suitable for a public environment as well as in a store

2) Hardware cost

3) Consider best way to use the touch screen technology to access the app and others things eg: use exiting softwarelike in terface or some thing else

4) Assuming a windows operating system eximine how these ‘kiosks' which would be a display only screen.and a touch screen that can access the app and selected other websides connect securely to the app data (remote).encryption ? locking down function on pc

5) Here is an updates version of the spread sheet where I have put in same example activities across all the project which I will track and calculate the percentage complete.

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Computer Engineering: Assuming a windows operating system eximine how these
Reference No:- TGS02871719

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