Assuming a linear relationship between the dependent

Given below is a cross-section data from 30 college canteens serving pre-packaged pizza. The demand for pizza (Y) is found to be a function of price of pizza (P), tuition fees in the college (F) , price of 1 litre fresh juice in the canteen (Pj) and the location of the college, (L). The variable L takes only two values: 1, if a college in a large city and 0, otherwise.

Q1. Assuming .a linear relationship between the dependent variable and all the independent variables, estimate the demand function for pizza. If you are putting any extra information in your estimation, make sure you explain those. Mention the software you have used in estimating this linear relationship.

Q2. Calculate the following point-price elasticities: 1. price elasticity of demand, 2. tuition elasticity, 3. cross price elasticity (with change in juice price) at the following values of the variables P = 100, F = 14, Pj = 110, L = 1.

College Quantity (Y) Price (P) Tuition Fees (F) Price of Fresh Juice (Pj) Location(L)
1 10 100 14 100 1
2 12 100 16 95 1
3 13 90 8 110 1
4 14 95 7 90 1
5 9 110 11 100 0
6 8 125 5 100 0
7 4 125 12 125 1
8 3 150 10 150 0
9 15 80 18 100 1
10 12 80 12 90 1
11 13 90 6 80 1
12 14 100 5 75 1
13 12 100 12 100 1
14 10 110 10 125 0
15 10 125 14 130 0
16 12 110 15 80 1
17 11 150 16 90 0
18 12 100 12 95 1
19 10 150 12 100 0
20 8 150 10 90 0
21 9 150 13 95 0
22 10 125 15 100 1
23 11 125 16 95 1
24 12 100 17 100 0
25 13 75 10 100 1
26 10 100 12 110 1
27 9 110 6 125 0
28 8 125 10 90 0
29 8 150 8 80 0
30 5 150 10 95 0

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Dissertation: Assuming a linear relationship between the dependent
Reference No:- TGS01711379

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