Assume you have the job of setting up an organization

1. Assume you have the job of setting up an organization structure for a new company which will be a retail store operation to sell health-food products. The owner is an independently wealthy woman who is starting this business because she thinks people ought to eat better. You have been asked to design the organization. When the business opens there will be a dozen retail stores and a wholesale operation to sell the products to existing food stores. She also plans to eventually have two organic farms to grow healthy food. Based on your reading of the class material for this week, what do you think are the important principles to consider in designing this organization? What would you suggest to the owner regarding the organizational structure? 400-500 words

2. For Max Weber, a bureaucratic structure is the "ideal' type of organization. Based on this week's readings (Bateman, Snell, & Konopaske chapters and Mintzberg article) on organization structure, what do you think are the three most important conditions or factors that would lead a manager to depart from the basic functional bureaucracy model in the design/redesign of a whole organization or part of an organization? Be sure to give a rationale for your list.

Illustrate your response by giving two examples of how a manager might (under one or more of the factors or conditions you list) design an organization structure using at least some departure from the functional bureaucracy model.400-500 words.

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Operation Management: Assume you have the job of setting up an organization
Reference No:- TGS02880994

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