Assume we have:
1. Rabbits and Foxes in a forest.
2. There are no constraints or limitation on the forest or food for the rabbits.
3. Rabbits initial population is R>500 and foxes initial population is F>500.
4. Rabbits birth rate=α% of their population per year.
5. The only cause for a rabbit death is eaten by a fox.
6. Available rabbits and foxes meet each other at rate β% of the total potential rabbit and fox meetings, where the foxes eat rabbits.
7. Fox birth rate is based on happy foxes who eat rabbits; the fox birth rate is γ% of the eaten rabbits per year.
8. Foxes die at rate ρ% per year.
Complete the following:
1. Build the casual loop based on these assumption,
2. Draw stocks and flows diagram,